Preneur Perspectives -

The Blog for Entrepreneurs Seeking Balance

You might be wondering about our name here… So let me give you a bit of insight. "Entrepreneur" is a french word. "Entre" means between and "Preneur" means parts. One of our main drivers here at Perspecitve Shifting, LLC and the Perspective Shifters Hub is to get rid of the phrase “Work/Life Balance” because that doesn’t actually exist. There are many different parts of life and we try to balance all of them but, the truth is balance is about control and life… Life can’t be controlled, there is very little about life that we actually control.

Our hope is to be the hub or the central point for entrepreneurs who are looking for the elusive “balance” between work and life. We hope to be a place that they can get tools, resources, and support to continually revisit as they shift their perspectives from searching for balance to elevating the “preneurs” of life in such a way that they create a rhythm. Rhythm is not something that we can balance, but something that we can dance to.

Not everyone is a change maker but everyone can be.
mental health, business, entrepreneurship, creativity Stephanie Kunkel mental health, business, entrepreneurship, creativity Stephanie Kunkel

Not everyone is a change maker but everyone can be.

I’ve dreamt of the impossible… over and over again. I’ve been told to get my head out of the clouds, to stop “thinking” and start “doing” that I’d never “get anywhere” if I didn’t “get real” and “buckle down” on the things I was “supposed to be doing.” If this sounds familiar, lets chat.

When I was a child, I was told “You can be anything you want to be.” I had all of these dreams. I had lists of occupations I wanted to try including, astronaut, singer, writer, marine biologist (thank you Lisa Frank,) Teacher, Scientist, Figure Skater, Minister, Rainforest Conservationist, Chef, a psychologist and I’m sure I could go on and on. I didn’t do all of those things because I listened to what other people told me.

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Money Attachments and How they Hold you Back
Stephanie Kunkel Stephanie Kunkel

Money Attachments and How they Hold you Back

Why is there so much attached to Money? Money is a topic that we talk too much about and also not nearly enough about. This is a topic that comes with a WIDE range of perspectives from “There is never enough.” To “They have too much.” The truth is that what we’re really talking about when we discuss money are things like Value, Fulfillment, Worthiness, and Importance. We can Shift our Money Perspectives Though.

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The Challenge of Self Confrontation
Michelle Cheyne Michelle Cheyne

The Challenge of Self Confrontation

Facing your own demons is probably the hardest bit of this journey we call life. Over the years our self-image is formed, often through conditioning from our environment. Good behaviour and (perceived) hard work get you all kinds of reinforcement. From a young age, if we do what others expect from us, we get awarded with treats, badges and/or certificates/awards. This all contributes to our view of ourselves. If we conform to this structure and follow the rules we are promised success. However, if we don’t, we are deemed inadequate. Hence why this process of self confrontation is a step towards self-acceptance and inevitably reaching our full potential.

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Preneur’s Mindset and Gratitude
Stephanie Kunkel Stephanie Kunkel

Preneur’s Mindset and Gratitude

As entrepreneurs its easy to get focused on the customers we don’t have, the money we don’t have, the tools, resources or support that we don’t have and sometimes we forget how good life is. If you had asked me about gratitude when I started working on changing my brain… well, I would get angry… and plenty of people did ask me about that. I had a therapist actually suggest a gratitude journal. Which was clearly not going to help my parenting, my marriage, or my financial situation. I wanted help but didn’t know where to turn. What I didn’t understand at the time was what she was suggesting wasn’t a fix for anything other than my brain. I was so deep into the challenges that i couldn’t see the solutions.. My brain had stopped looking for them, and I was only looking for how hard everything was. I share this because What I had to learn was how my brain works. Once I learned that, I realized that gratitude is an incredibly powerful practice.

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Welcome to Preneur Perspectives!
Stephanie Kunkel Stephanie Kunkel

Welcome to Preneur Perspectives!

When I would finally reach the point of burnout I would always turn it inward and beat up on myself. Often I'd hear a voice inside that would say things like... “You’re just not cut out for this.” “You Should just quit.” While I wouldn't ever completely concede or wave the white flag, I would "break" for a while. One of my mentors at some point explained how I would light the fire and just about the time the train would hit full speed I'd stop fueling the fire. Which is a great analogy.

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